Readers Digest Canada App Reviews

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Readers Digest

Awful, just awful. I havent been able to open the magazine since I purchased it. I want my money back!

Readers borefest

I prefer the paper version .

Readers Digest

Great app! I really enjoy it - once the download works! DH

Readers Digest

Terrible!!!! I cant find my subscription & Im trying to get my $$$ get back. Ill keep you posted.

Readers Digest

As I am trying to o green, prefer it to paper version

Not like it used to be

Ive always enjoyed Readers Digest, but its getting thinner each year and the content is just not as good as it used to be.

January 2014

Having the same problem. Cant download latest edition and there is no app update to be found.


I am having same problem and I can not even get the review to send they keep kicking me out so this is he tenth time trying I am going to get my money back not worth the hassle may as well go out in snow and -30. Degrees to buy paper copy or even another magazine all together. Frustrated

Jan14 Issue

I cannot download Jan14 issue. It says to upgrade my application but on iTunes there are no upgrades available. Is frustrating because I paid for the subscription. Any solution available?

Cant download Jab 2014

Im having the same problem as many others here. What gives?

Dont get ripped off

paid for January issue & cant download.


Switched my subscription to ipad only, before testing. Now i cant dl January like everyone else, and RD had no clue about issue when contacted. Frustrating! Wait for fix before downloading this.

Whos minding the store?

Like everyone else I cant download the January issue. Spoke to Readers Digest and that was useless. Spoke to Apple and they said its RD problem. No matter who is at fault, it still hasnt been fixed and Im wondering just who is minding the store?

How about some service?

Its been a week since I reported this problem. What gives? Anybody home? If I cant get what I paid for, I want my money back. Enough of this crap. It seems that customer service does not mean much to you people. As long as you get your money, you couldnt care less.

New version released today

but will not load on iPad version 1 since maximum version is IOS 5.1.1. New version of RD Canada requires IOS 6.0. So, buy a new iPad or go back to paper RD? I really enjoyed the previous iPad issues.

Love the digital edition!

I just read my very first RD digital edition, and I would highly recommend this to anyone who loves their ipad! It is a great way to read the magazine on the go without having to remember to find and carry the paper book!

Great App!

This app is the best way to read the magazine, with some great interactive features and videos inserted into the content. I would suggest adding links to related articles, but then I would probably never get anything else done around here.

Works well

I have a paid subscription and enjoy the magazine for way less than the print copy would cost. They only lose a star for auto-renewing the subscription.

Still charging?

This app is still charging (be it minimally) for 2012 editions! Seriously!?!? Even my dentist has recycled these issues.

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